Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I am grateful.

Yesterday morning I went to my early class (on time, mind you), ready for a productive, happy day. Unfortunately, at the end of class I found out that somehow I had missed a huge assignment. For some reason, I honestly thought it was due a week later than it actually was. So, I got up to talk to the teacher, thinking, hoping, maybe she could cut me some slack. 

No such luck.

I was humiliated. I felt like a FAILURE. I know, it's not THAT big of a deal, but to me it was.

I called my husband, and (for the first time of the day), broke down. How could I just forget about that? I am so sick of school!!

Well, unfortunately, things just escalated from there. It was one of those unreal days where everything just goes wrong. My poor husband probably spent half of his day listening to my sob stories. Literally.

So, after spending a while feeling sorry for myself, I realized something. I have no right to feel sorry for myself, because I am seriously one of the luckiest people I know. I am so blessed! There's nothing like a few bumps in the road to teach you what is really important.

So, today I am grateful. Here are a few of the reasons:

1. I am married to my best friend, and couldn't be happier about it. 

I have such a sweet husband who, instead of asking me to shovel our walk the morning after our huge snow storm because he didn't have any boots, put on my (far too small) rain boots, and shoveled them for me. I should have taken a picture.

2. It's almost finals week. Know what that means? Even though I feel like I might explode at times, it's almost time for a break!! I love breaks. It's so wonderful to have something to look forward to. 

3. I have a healthy body and can run. Life is so much better when I run. I also have an awesome gym buddy.

4. I have the best family ever. I don't know how I scored so well with that one! I also get my very first NEPHEW in a few weeks!!!

5. Last, but not least, I know who I am. I know where I came from, and where I am going. That knowledge makes all the difference in the world. I have the sweet assurance, especially on days like these, that I am loved by my Father in Heaven....no matter what.

Ok ok, one more. I can't resist. It's Christmas time!!

 Enough said. :)


  1. Great List, and I'm sorry about your class!

  2. Just Christmas alone makes everything better. :D
    And that is the worst feeling in the world...when you discover you've missed an assignment or even worse, a test!
    You and Dane are simply adorable together, by the way. I love it!

  3. Lovely girl! I miss you... just so you know. Sigh. We should catch up sometime.

  4. Steph! I just found your blog, it's adorable!!!
